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January 17, 2009 12:53 am

Of course, no sooner had I gone out of my way to compliment Apple on their efforts to create an open platform for developers, than I turned around and saw this:

"Seaman Developer's iPhone Game Canned By Apple"

Weak sauce, Apple. Mighty weak.

Next on the list of corrections, regarding Castle Crashers:

"[The release bugs] are currently being addressed, but it remains to be seen whether the resultant blight will have a detrimental effect on the game's overall sales."

As it turns out, not so much. This is one instance where I am extremely pleased to have been mistaken. Congrats and big up to The Behemoth!

Finally, and most importantly: in my previous entry, the phrase "I believe that video games are on the cusp of a true renaissance fueled by independent game development" should instead read "I believe that video games are on the cusp of a true renaissance fueled by Dew."